Trust Accounts, Standard Accounts, Corporate Accounts, 401K Rollovers, IRA, Roth IRA, Simple IRA, SEP IRA, UTMA, and 529 College Savings
At Desert Capital Management Group, we focus on what matters most to you, providing the tools you need to envision your future. We are dedicated to giving you the personalized attention you deserve, recognizing that every client’s story is unique, and comes with its own challenges and opportunities.
How can retirement accounts help with my taxes?
Retirement accounts can play a significant role in managing your tax obligations.
Investing in after-tax accounts can provide a diversified income stream during retirement. Ideally, your retirement income should come from a combination of pre-tax retirement plans and after-tax investment accounts.
Mismanaging taxes in your accounts can lead to unnecessary payments. Our team will guide you with tax reduction strategies to help you avoid costly mistakes, resulting in maximizing your retirement savings.
Why Establish a Trust?
A trust is a powerful tool for preserving and transferring wealth, giving you greater control over how and when your assets are distributed to beneficiaries. There are various types of trusts, each tailored to achieve specific goals, whether it's protecting assets, minimizing taxes, or ensuring a smooth transfer of wealth.
An estate planning professional can guide you in selecting the trust that best suits your needs. Our team will collaborate with you and your estate planning advisors to ensure that the investment strategies within the trust are tax-efficient and strategically allocated, helping you maximize returns and achieve your long-term financial goals.
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